Jul 16, 2009

Why The Enzymes In Food Are Vital For Health

By Terry Adams

The key to a healthy lifestyle has been attributed to the benefit of enzymes found in food. They are basically metabolic catalysts which are found in raw foods. In the digestive system they are the key chemicals that assist in breaking down food and aiding absorption into the circulatory system.

As well as the gut, they are found all over the body where they are important for the overall body functioning. They can be found everywhere from the muscles, where they control muscle contraction to the brain where they are responsible for the transmission of electrical signals in the neural tissue. Nothing much really can happen in the body without these chemicals.

If you eat more foods such as fruit and vegetables which are packed with these enzymes the less of these your body will have to make itself. The result being, that it can work on other vital processes that keep you fit and healthy, such as combating cell damage.

Raw foods are a lot more effective at providing enzymes than when foods are cooked because cooking destroys many of the enzymes often found in the food. As a result, this means that greater quantities of cooked produce needs to be consumed, increasing both calorie intake and increasing the demands upon the body, than eating their raw counterparts.

This is the reason why eating raw foods such as vegetables and fruit will often satisfy the appetite a lot faster than cooked produce and at a lower calorific load. Also, the requirement to increase the calorie intake will also increase the risk of obesity and other fat related diseases, and the greater demands on the body will also increase the speed of aging.

Eating salads and drinking fruit juices is a great way to get raw fruit and vegetables into the body. Eating a salad every other day and drinking fruit juices every day will provide you with many enzymes and will be a significant boost to your health.

A quick and delicious way of getting all of your nutrients and enzymes is to consume a daily juice of a combination of fruit and vegetables. Some fish and meat can be eaten in its raw state which will also boost the nutrients and enzymes supplied by them in the same way. Eating a rare steak will, however, not only increase the nutrients supplied but will also be easier to digest. This will, in turn, reduce the risk of complaints such as constipation.

Rather than going straight onto a raw food diet, it is better to start by replacing some of your normal daily intake with more fruit and vegetables, slowly increasing over time.

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