Jul 9, 2009

Are My Vitamin Supplements Really Helping Me?

By MaryAnn Russell

During my years of consumer research and exploration of health and wellness I noted a curious pattern emerge. The various health regimes I adopted, whether vitamins, super green foods, Chinese herbs, or homeopathic remedies, seemed to stop working.

This had nothing to do with commitment, discipline or dedication, as you will see below. I simply felt my regimen was no longer effective. Perhaps this has something to do with my body's ability to utilize and absorb certain nutrients. At one point in my journey I was taking highly concentrated frozen super "uber" greens delivered right to my door in ice packs and.... an elite patented, stack of amino acids to release growth hormone (anti-aging).

Boy, I was really feeling great, even though dealing with the frozen greens was a bit of a hassle and admittedly disturbed my harmonious feelings. Well the day finally came when the super greens were no longer needed and I only took the amino acids during times of extreme physical demand, such as our yearly ski trip.

Alternative and Complementary medicine modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic and various body-work methods also followed a similar pattern like vitamin supplementation. At a certain point, I reached my desired goal or intuitively understood that a particular modality has taken me as far as I can go at this time.

A lot of people get discouraged when they think something they have discovered is helping them one day and then the next day they are not experiencing those same benefits. Instead of disappointment, perhaps you can see it as your body's intelligence at work. Your body's own innate healing intelligence telling you that its done everything it can with a particular regime. You may have actually benefited with what you have done so far but there are other things to discover.

Some holistic practitioners will test their patients each visit to determine what their body's priority needs are at the time. In other words, allowing the body's intelligence to be the guide for the next step in healing. In some cases certain imbalances may need to be addressed before your body can absorb and utilize your vitamin supplements.

Your body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrition will be a factor in your overall state of health. The body's healing intelligence is always seeking a state of balance. Paying attention to your body's signals is a simple but powerful way to progressively improve your health.

Demanding lifestyles and age will likely determine how you vary your health regimen. Since the early days of my health exploration the entire wellness industry has progressed in the most remarkable ways. With progress has come countless choices for vitamins and health products.

Breakthroughs in science are now influencing the ways we choose our health products. Biological fluids (urine, saliva and blood) are now being tested in a way that maps out nutritional and hormonal imbalances. Genetic testing and assessments are no longer the next frontier.

While lifestyle choices and demands have been the big determiners of health, DNA assessments and genetic testing have now made their way into the field of nutrition. The latest research is responsible for focusing consumers on the vitamins that address key areas of health:

* Bone and Joint health

* Cardiovascular

* Neurological health

* Improved Immune health

* Energy and Performance

* Anti-Aging and skin products

* Insomnia and stress

* Libido

While science continues to make new breakthroughs, your body will continue to use it's own innate intelligence to heal itself. Modify your health regimen in order to reach your desired goals, avoid staying with one approach if you are not reaching your desired outcome. The core of "complementary" medicine is to supply what is lacking in order to complete it. I highly recommend adopting the "complementary" approach so that you can avoid getting stuck in a rut or find yourself chasing one regimen or product after another.

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