Jul 2, 2009

The Dangers Regarding GMO Food

By Lee Jacobs

GMO foods or "Genetically Modified Organisms" are the subject of high controversy. We seem to have been lulled into something of a state of complacency, because when GMO foods first hit the headlines, there was a general uproar. Today however, despite the ongoing progression to design more and more varieties of GMO foods, we seem to hear very little by way of protest. I am sure that we all understand the logic behind the theory, and that to some extent we agree. After all, in a world where the population continues to expand at an appalling rate, food supplies are under more and more pressure. If we can develop crops that can be brought to harvest more quickly and that are far more resistant to disease, pestilence and drought, it all sounds very positive. But at what cost?

The first thing that you need to consider is the fact that GMO foods have an effect on the environment that is not entirely understood. People do not know how the foods that they are growing are going to effect the environment around them, and without adequate testing, we might be in for some real damage to the eco-system that is both difficult and expensive to fix. This is at the heart of many of the issues that people have with GMO food; the testing that is done on them, both for the environment and for the effects that they might have in general, are still not understood nearly as well as they should be.

Another important issue that has arisen due to the rise of GMO foods is that the crops that we can grow may very well become less genetically diverse. The more diversity that is present in the food that we eat, the better, and without this diversity, there is a much greater risk of seeing huge swathes of produce wiped out if they are confronted with a microorganism that they cannot deal with. Similarly, there is also the fact that due to the lessened diversity of the produce that is grown, the people who grow them are going to be become more dependent on chemical and biotech agents to protect them. What this means later on down the line is a increased presence of pesticides our food.

Another concern that many doubters about GMO food is that it has the propensity to breed super weeds! Nothing in nature stays stagnant and we can expect that breeding very hardy vegetables and plants will result in weeds that are similarly tough and hardy. The issue is that what GMO foods will stay static, these weeds will continue to develop. Farmers and other food producers will start to use more intense herbicides to take care of these super weeds, and with that in mind, we will see a lot more herbicides in our food and even in our water supply!

So as you can see, the GMO food issue is a complicated affair. One thing above all else is crystal clear. Before we go any further with GMP foods, we must have a comprehensive testing mechanism in place to answer the question posed above. Then and only then will it be safe to consider going ahead.

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