Jul 31, 2009

The Crock-Pot Is A Great Idea For Cooking Dinner

By Chris Lee

If you have a crock-pot then you can use it to prepare dinner when you do not have time to cook. If you work throughout the day and simply do not have the time to prepare a healthy dinner for your family, then consider using a crock-pot to prepare them. You can prepare wonderfully delicious meals that are full of healthy foods when you use your crock-pot. Instead of bringing home fast-food burgers and fries, you can prepare a healthy meal at home. You can add whatever ingredients your family likes.

Using your crock-pot to cook dinner makes it simple. You simply need to have your meal ready before you leave in the morning. You just fill your cooker, turn on the timer and go about your daily business. You can give your family the nutritious meal that they need while spending very little time in the kitchen. Use your slow cooker to prepare advanced meals as well.

You can cook up large batches of soups and other foods that can last for days. You can cook a variety of soups that are delicious when prepared in a slow cooker. If you double or even triple your recipe, then you will have plenty left over. You just have to freeze any leftovers for later use. You can throw them in the microwave and have nutritious meals for your family in minutes. This is the easiest way to make sure that your entire family is eating right.

You can find many recipes that are specifically geared toward using your crock-pot. These recipes will tell you what ingredients you need, how much of each that you should use and how long to cook the dish. Many recipes now include nutritional guides as well so you can be sure that you are feeding nutritious meals to your family. Be sure that marinate anything overnight that requires it.|Consider marinades for your slow cooker as well.|Many recipes call for marinating] This is an excellent way to get a flavorful meal.

With today's busy lifestyles, preparing a meal in a slow cooker is an excellent way to cook dinner. There is no easier way to prepare meals. When you arrive home after work, you are ready to sit down with your family to a delicious meal that you prepared while you were not even at home.

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Seafood Combo Meals Are Easy To Prepare

By Shannon Linnen

Seafood is very healthy, and is available in such wide varieties that it's hard to go wrong! Everything you need to prepare delicious seafood combo meals can be found at your local grocery store. Seafood combo meals are delicious and very easy to prepare.

One of the best things about a seafood combo meal is that you get more than one item or type of seafood in your meal. The only thing better than eating lobster tail for dinner is to eat both lobster tail and Alaskan King Crab. Having both items in the same meal just makes the experience that much more satisfying.

It's easiest to prepare things you already like, as your cooking instincts will be more accurate. Of course, if you're not an experienced cook and your favorite combo is two pound lobster and scallops, it may be best to start with something easier and work your way up. If you're new to cooking it's best to start with simpler items, such as shrimp or fish fillets. If you're not sure what kind of food you'd like the most, try to find a fresh seafood sampler at your local grocery.

When preparing any seafood dish, the easiest cooking method is pan-fry. Start with your favorite pasta and a bag of cocktail, or frozen shrimp. It's fairly easy to find these pre-cooked, so you won't risk under-cooking the meal.One very easy starter dish is shrimp pasta.

First, keep all the required ingredients ready. Set out the pasta, a pot of water to boil it in, the shrimp, a frying pan and the favorite oils and spices. The last two can be olive oil, basil leaves and garlic powder. Start boiling the pasta and heat the frying pan. Pour a little oil in the pan and add the shrimp. After sprinkling basil leaves and garlic powder on top, stir the shrimp around the pan till oil and spices are mixed thoroughly with the shrimp.

When the shrimp begin to sizzle you can turn the heat down slightly, so they quietly simmer in the pan. For added flavor you could add some vegetables, I often add chopped onions and tomatoes. While the pasta finishes the shrimp will simmer, absorbing the flavor of the oil and spices.

When the pasta has reached your preferred softness, strain it and put it on a plate. Pour the complete contents of the frying pan over the pasta, and mix them together. Add a side of garlic bread or a caesar salad and you've got a hearty, healthy seafood combo meal! There are an infinite number of seafood combo meals you could cook, the best way to learn is to keep practicing different kinds until you find your favorite!

As with so many other food items, making your seafood combo meal purchase online is always a great idea. With the advent of overnight delivery by Fedex and UPS it is very feasible to have seafood straight from the northeastern seaboard shipped right to your house.

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6 Week Body Makeover - Body Type D

By Frank Further

Did you take the 6 Week Body Makeover Blue Print? What type of body do you have? Are you classified as a "D" person? This post will describe the attributes of a "D" body type and the reason why you're fat.

Your body type has a slower metabolism compared to the others. The reason why your metabolism is so slow is because your body has trouble building and maintaining lean muscle. Metabolism converts food into energy and lean muscle is the building block of having a fast metabolism. Your lack of lean muscle mass is what is causing you to be fat and slow down your metabolic rate.

Your metabolism's speed is a primary factor of fat loss and fat gain. Your body is very heavy due to fat and not from lean muscle (remember than lean muscle weighs more than fat). D people tend to have soft droopy flesh with thin muscles.

The reason why you're overweight can be summed up by two primary reasons. The first factor is that you have a very slow metabolism that does not break down calories as fast as other body types. The other reason is because you do not have enough lean muscle mass to help your metabolism burn food energy fast enough to lose weight.

Genetics play an important part in your weight gain and your body's inability to lose weight. Another reason why you cannot lose weight is because of lifestyle choice. A sedentary lifestyle is a "double whammy" to fat gain.

Dieting can cause weight gain due to many reasons. The more you starve yourself, the more your body will seek energy from other sources. Diets with low carbohydrate intake are especially bad because your body start eating your lean muscle tissue. Since D body types do not have an adequate amount of lean muscle tissue, dieting will basically destroy what little muscle tissue you already had.

There is a right way and a wrong way to lose weight. Short term diets are very closed minded and do not focus on long-term effects. Learning how to eat right using program such as the 6 Week Body Makeover are the best way to lose weight and eat healthy for the rest of your life.

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Jul 30, 2009

Promote a Restaurant Creatively

By Jose L Riesco

Only your creativity and imagination can restrict you when looking for ways to promote a restaurant. What ever drove you to open a restaurant in the first place should inspire you to come up with a long list of ideas. Set yourself apart from the competition in this challenging business with your unique selling proposition.

In addition to being a nice way to spend your spare time, you should try and visit the establishments promoted by your competition. Sample their dinner menu - determine their strengths and weaknesses and pick up some good tips. Anyone who wants to promote a restaurant must study the business in-depth and this is a good way of doing so.

As a promoter, remember two things. First you have to get new people into your establishment and secondly you need to make sure that they come back! Go out into the marketplace and try to get samples of your product in front of new people. This might mean co-promoting with another business for mutual advantage.

Consider offering specials for certain demographic groups if you find that you have a slow night or two. This is a good way to promote a restaurant and can have a viral effect, as people may make it a regular date because of the social interaction. For example, offer early bird specials for senior citizens.

People want social proof, to hear that their peers also like the same things that they do. Remember to post any testimonials that you get on your website and include pictures as visual images are very strong. One of the latest trends, and a great way to promote a restaurant, is to post video testimonials on YouTube. This will definitely get you good results.

Star power can help you. One of the great ways to promote your restaurant is to attract some local celebrities with the offer of a complimentary meal. Take some photographic evidence of their visit and display prominently. Believe me, this exposure will be productive.

Marketing is your lifeblood in times of recession and you should never cut your budget at these times. If faced with a downturn, you should promote a restaurant as aggressively as possible as this is surely the right approach.

To promote a restaurant successfully takes a dedicated plan. It is not done overnight, but you should not be swayed by the many setbacks that you encounter along the way. Employ numerous different strategies and have short, midterm and long-term review points where you can tweak your initiatives as you go.

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Best Dental Care Plan for Employees

By Shelton Graham

A Dallas dental insurance policy can help support the company in some ways. Dental insurance is a vital part of the final staff member benefits that the company uses to draw in and keep the best staff in the area.

But there are crucial medical reasons outside the health and well being of employees' teeth and gums. Heavy health conditions can often be first detected during a routine dental exam. With today's spiraling health care costs, forward-thinking firms are smart to focus on defensive care and early detection and treatment of diseases. This not only helps the employer to lower employee health care expenses, and lower medical insurance premiums, but it helps lower absenteeism due to illness.

A routine dental checkup can often be the 1st detection of very serious diseases such as diabetes, which is linked to gum illness and cavities. And osteoporosis is often an early caution indication of loose teeth. Catching and treating these illnesses in the early stages can significantly reduce the damage they can have on an employee's life, and scale back the medical expense claims to the corporation's group health insurance plan.

The group dental plan helps to make oral care affordable and routine for staff. Healthy teeth and gums really leads to healthy workers. Teeth and gum disease can make employees more likely to have serious health issues. For example, studies have shown that women who have peridontal disease have a much higher chance of having premature and low birth weight babies.

The direct medical costs to to businesses for workers who have early babies is about 15 times higher than for staff who have full-term deliveries. And continuing health problems and medical expenses are considerably higher for early children, as is absenteeism for the folks of early infants.

There is also a medically proven relationship between gum and tooth disease and health and circulatory illness and stroke. New studies have shown that inflammation of the gums can make a contribution to clot formation in the arteries.

The U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services reports that over 3 quarters of adults over age 35 have peridontal illness. A good Dallas staff member benefits agency or Dallas group health insurance agency can help your company select a reasonable group dental insurance plan that will improve the oral health and the overall wellness of employees and their families.

There are many sorts of group dental insurance plans that a a company can select from. These include DHMO ( Dental Health Upkeep Organization ) plans, Dental PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans, and Dental Indemnity plans. These plans vary widely in the variety of choice of dentists the worker can visit, as well as in the premium cost and the dental benefits contained within the plan.

If the Corporation has implemented a shopper driven health plan, such as a health savings account or a health repayment agreement, workers could also be ready to pay for broke medical expenses on a before tax basis. This could aid in making good oral health even more reasonable for a Texas company's workers and their families.

A well informed Dallas group health insurance broker can help give the company with a survey of available Texas group dental insurance quotes, and help the company determine the overall best plan for their workers and budget.

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Body Building Tips For Begginers, How To Start A Weight Training Program

By Ricardo d Argence

Are your friends and family noticing measurable changes in your physique? Have you added at least a couple of inches or more to all of your major muscle groups? Are you moving poundages on your squat, deadlift, bench press, row (and every other major compound exercise) that all feel substantially heavy for your body?

If the answer is not "yes" to all of the previous questions, then you really don't need to be concerned about the insignificant details of your body.

If you're still in your bodybuilding "youth" and don't already have a considerable amount of muscle mass to show for your efforts, I would strongly suggest taking these types of questions and eliminating them from your mind until you do.

What is the reason? Don't let trivial matters divert your attention from your immediate and important task. What is the crucial thing to accomplish at this time? The goal is to place as much muscle and strength on your body as possible.

That's right; forget about the nitty-gritty details of whether your biceps match your triceps or whether your chest is on par with your back. These are issues that you can worry about later on, but until you've thickened up your entire body as a whole to a significant degree, it's simply not worth worrying about.

If you're still a beginner and have been training consistently for less than a year, then stop obsessing over the details. Instead, place all of your focus on the most basic and obvious issues at hand. Get yourself onto a sensible, rational weight training schedule and stick to it religiously.

Keep a record of all of your workouts that you do and try as hard as you can to consistently add as much weight as possible to the bar. Blast through the discomfort zones and difficult compound exercises with passion and intensity.

Get yourself into the kitchen and pack in at least 5 or 6 properly balanced muscle building meals every day of the week, every week of the month and every month of the year.

Take your supplements when necessary, get rest, and drink plenty of water. Another way to say it is: PAY YOUR DUES IN THE BEGINNING!

If you're in this for the long haul (and you should be, as there are no temporary fixes to be had here), then get yourself on to the most efficient path possible. And the most efficient path possible is the one that focuses on the fundamentals first and the details later.

You must bring this mentality into your bodybuilding program. You don't want to attempt to fine-tune and balance your physique until you have a considerable muscle foundation to work with. You can't play that awesome guitar solo before you know basic chords, after all.

Building muscle is not rocket-science, but it is a task that requires consistent willpower and determination. And until you've been "in the trenches" and have earned yourself an impressive and muscular body. Stop over-analyzing. Get into the gym and train!

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Jul 29, 2009

Best Way To Ship Food

By Amy Nutt

Food is something that is great, admitted, and it also makes an amazing gift for people who loves food as much as the rest of us. Shipping food is something that really isn't one of the most common things. With this stated, there really isn't much literature about it, as people do not feel that it is one of the safest things a person can do. And with increasing measures on security, the concern is something that is real. One of the biggest things to be concerned about is the safety of the food, as well as time it takes the food to get there.

Time, time, time

Obviously, you're going to want the food to get there before it gets spoiled. So, timely delivery here is key. If the food spoils, not only did you waste your time, you also wasted money. You will want to make sure that your efforts do not go to waste, so you'll want to make sure that the timing of this is key, no more than 3 days should elapse before your food gets to where it is going. If at all possible, it should be shipped overnight in most cases, just to assure that it will be as fresh as it was the second that you made it.


Be sure that the container that contains your food is something that is secure. If it is something that can potentially have a weak structural integrity, be sure that you take all of the precautions before it is sent. Ideally, the container will be something that will keep the air out, as this is how bacteria and mold contaminate the food. So, security is something of an issue, only eclipsed by the fact that you want your food to get there.

One of the best things to ship would be something like chocolates, which really do not have much of an expiration date, on top of the fact that everyone loves chocolates. In the case of chocolates, they usually do not have any issues with integrity, as they can roll around and not really incur any heavy damage. This would probably be the best thing to ship, although you would still want to make sure that this is secure and that it gets there in a timely manner.

If you choose to use a box for the shipping of your food, make sure that it can withstand the weight of other boxes. The best idea here is to get a corrugated box, sold at many stores that deal with the movement of packages and the like. Sufficient tape will be required for this to work as well as you would like.

In Summation

Be sure that everything is sent quickly, as you do not want much time to elapse before it gets to the recipient. Secondly, you do not want anything to be crushed, so be sure to use a box that you think is strong enough to handle things that may be placed on top of your box. Follow these tips and your food will be thoroughly enjoyed on the other end.

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Top Five Unusual Simple Chicken Recipes

By Matthew Kaplan

Chicken recipes are easy and perfect for any occasion. Sometimes though, chicken can be bland. Mix up your simple chicken recipes with these easy chicken recipes that you've never heard of before. Chicken dishes don't have to be blah.

The phrase "tastes like chicken" will take on a whole new meaning with these simple chicken recipes. Instead of making the same old chicken recipes, mix it up with these unusual, funky recipes. Chances are, you've never had the flavor combinations in these recipes. From sweet and spicy to tangy and crunchy, these easy chicken recipes up the flavor ante. Chicken does not have to be bland and boring. Best of all, these five recipes are good for you too. These simple recipes are the best ways to cook boneless skinless chicken breast.

Guatemalan Chicken Mole - Everybody loves chocolate, but how many of those chocoholics eat it with chicken? Mole is a traditional savory sauce made out of chocolate. Dark chocolate is a great source of cancer-fighting antioxidants. Between the chicken and the pumpkin seeds, this recipe for boneless chicken has plenty of protein. With red pepper flakes and two different types of chilies, this chicken dish packs a spicy punch. Try something new for dinner tonight and combine chicken with chocolate with this recipe.

Lemon Yogurt Chicken - This recipe for boneless chicken is originally from Afghanistan, a country not typically known for its cuisine. The bright lemon citrus flavor and the creamy yogurt make this chicken dish a lot lighter than traditional American chicken recipes. Plus, the recipe requires whole garlic cloves mashed to a pulp, an instruction not found in the typical chicken recipe. This Middle Eastern recipe is one of the best ways to cook boneless skinless chicken breast.

Healthy Chicken Jerky - Walk into any grocery store or gas station and you're bound to see a bag of beef jerky somewhere. The concept of jerky, smoked meat, is common with beef but not with chicken. expand your jerky horizons with this recipe for boneless chicken. Make chicken a snacking favorite with this recipe. Lean and tasty, healthy chicken jerky is a snack all can get behind.

Avocado Chicken - The avocado is relatively common, seen in almost any supermarket. However, the only dish the avocado ever gets used for is guacamole. The avocado never gets used in cooking, which makes this recipe one of the more unique simple chicken recipes. Easy chicken recipes that combine a multitude of textures are great. Combine crunchy almonds with smooth avocado to get a recipe for boneless chicken full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Crispy Baked Chicken - This recipe for boneless chicken is so unique because it replicates the flavor of fried chicken using an oven, a healthier version of fried chicken. Classic chicken recipes like fried chicken are delicious but full of calories. This unique chicken dish replicates the fried flavor in the oven for a healthier version.

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Coffee - From Beans to Shelf

By Marc Warren

The harvesting of coffee beans is a huge industry. Coffee is second only to oil as a worldwide commodity.

The variety of coffee beans is staggering, but they have classified into 2 main types the arabica and the robusta. The arabica gets it name from its original home, the Arabian Peninsula. The robusta is different because it has a high caffeine content.

By contrast to wine, the coffee berry (called a 'cherry') is not valued for its fruit, but only for the bean inside. It's that bean that is aged, roasted, ground and brewed to make the 400 million cups per day consumed around the world.

There are two major classes of beans determined by their appearance red and green. The red beans have less acidity and a shaper aroma. They are used for the specialty coffees. One of the most important steps in producing good coffee is picking the fruit.

Since most beans are hand picked by laborers, at the rate of a few baskets per day, separating the red and green is a valued skill and has a large effect on the final product.

After the fruit it is soaked and scoured to remove the beans from its center. After being removed the beans are cleaned to remove any excess fruit. The beans are then laid out on the ground to dry in the sun until almost all moisture from the bean is evaporated away.

From there the beans are sorted by color and size, sometimes by hand increasingly often by machine. Some of the beans are discarded, others polished to remove the skin. For select types, the beans are then aged anywhere from three to eight years, while others go to be roasted within a year.

The oil that is contained within the beans gives them their unique flavor and aroma. This oil is released during the roasting process where the beans reach up to 400F and burst to release the inner flavor.

Naturally a wide variety of in-house techniques have developed for roasting. Beans from Java and Kenya, for example, are often lightly roasted producing a distinctive flavor. After roasting, the beans produce carbon dioxide for several days so the beans are 'de-gassed' either by airing or packaging in semi-permeable shipping bags.

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Jul 28, 2009

Berries In Colours Reflect Power In Antioxidants

By Anastacia Sampson

For high Vitamin C doses we may indulge in fresh strawberries. While many other berry fresh types abound! From blue-staining blueberries (that are blue-purple in colour) to raspberries, cranberries, mulberries and other juicy sweet berries.

Some berries are not that sweet but rather harmful and fatal. To come across wild berries, mushrooms and other unknown varieties it is worth not even trying them for taste. Know before you pick and eat what is poisonous. Although mushrooms may look appealing, they are a fungus and can be dangerous.

In our stores the small button mushrooms are most common and safe. They're mostly water, while shitake mushrooms are known to be very health supporting. Berries are nutritious and supply various levels of protective antioxidants. Blueberries have an abundance of antioxidants to reduce our rate of ageing and help ward away the development of disease. Cranberries are used therapeutically for urinary tract infections. A susceptibility to kidney stones can be lessened by taking cranberry juice. There are medications for urinary and bladder problems that incorporate cranberries.

Scientific and medical studies have shown the potency of cranberry juice to protect against some forms of kidney stones. Blueberries have also been shown to effectively protect and treat urinary tract infections. Cranberries and blueberries prevent the harmful bacteria from latching onto the urinary walls. This ensures that the harmful bacteria can not set up house and create a flourishing family to grow and cause ill health. Certain berries tend to grow in specific countries where they are more popular and easily available. Unfortunately we do not have access to fresh berries at our nearby grocery stores generally. Yet we have access to frozen and canned berries. As berries are fragile they are not suitable for mass transport and storage in fresh form.

We may love the mulberries, which not only feed us but the leaves of that mulberry tree feed silk worms. We have used berries to make juice, which is an old practice and we can always find berry flavoured juices or concentrated berry juices.

It is known that bakery products of pies and tarts often include berry ingredients. Often we have the cherries on ice-cream or cakes. Another decorative piece that is nutritious and a colourful appeal! Usually preserved, red cherries are available in packages in grocery stores. Valuable iron levels are in loganberries, blackberries, black currents and raspberries. The gooseberries may be more common and have a yellow tinge. Vitamin E levels in useful levels are found in the blackberries!

All in all berries are high in fibre, minerals and vitamins relative to various other fruits. Although berries may be minor juicy fragile ball-like fruits, they do pack a punch for nutritional health.

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Why Is Eating Salad Healthy

By Chris Lee

Salad is healthy for a number of reasons. Of course, everyone knows that salad is virtually calorie free, but it can also give you loads of needed nutrients. Nearly every food establishment in the world offers salads today. Restaurants have them and you can buy pre-made salad mixes in just about every grocery store in the world. Do you know just what is in salads that makes them healthy?

Salads are healthy because just one salad each day can give you the required amount of fresh vegetables for that day. Although cooked vegetables are still good for you, cooking them normally removes many of the essential nutrients. Vegetables, when eaten daily, can help you to ward off heart disease and a number of other diseases and conditions. There are many essential properties in vegetables that you simply cannot get in other foods.

You surely remember why Bugs Bunny ate his raw carrots.Having a salad for lunch or including one with your evening meal can give you all the servings of vegetables that you need for the day. Not only do you help to strengthen your tooth enamel, but you get the wonderful crunch of eating raw vegetables.

If you are not normally a salad person, you can mix it up with other foods to keep it more exciting.Adding fresh fruit, nuts or lean meats will make your salad tastier and still give you the vegetable serving that you need for the day.Just keep in mind that for your salad to be truly healthy, you have to avoid adding things such as high fat cheese, eggs and heavy dressings. If you must have eggs in your salad, choose egg whites and leave out the yolks. You can virtually add anything that you want, just keep it as healthy as possible. Your choice of dressing can also destroy the health benefits of your salad, keep your dressings low-fat as well.

This adds a wonderful flavor and keeps your salad healthy. You can also opt to make your own dressing using a light olive oil and fresh herbs and spices.Eating salads, no matter what type, is an excellent way to improve your overall health. If you are trying to eat healthier, you simply cannot go wrong with a salad. Adding a salad with your dinner every night will give you the boost of vitamins and minerals that you need for your healthy lifestyle.

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When You Buy Omega3 Will You Buy The Best?

By Terry Johnston

You buy Omega3 because of all the health benefits for:

*the heart

*the brain

*the joints

*the skin

*the immune system

*our vision

*aiding digestion

Naturally sourced fish oil is the most potent of the Omega 3 fatty acids. The most effective nutrients come from natural sources. When you buy Omega3, make sure it is naturally sourced.

There are good fish oil and bad fish oil. Bad fish oil can come from eating fish that are contaminated with heavy metal toxins like mercury and PCBs. There are many of bodies of water where the fish caught should NOT be eaten and these contaminants also tend to concentrate in the fatty acids and should be avoided.

The best fish oil is purified and free from contaminants, is produced with a low oxidation (decomposition) level for freshness. Being naturally sourced means it has natural triglycerides or ethyl ester form which is not produced artificially.

The important ingredient is Omeg3/DHA. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and higher levels of DHA mean great action against inflammation.

It has been found that there is an unexplained concentration of anti-inflammatory inhibition when non-concentrated hoki oil is combined with concentrated ester tuna oil. This has been dubbed the x-factor because of the synergistic effects of the combination.

When buying Omega 3 oils, you will want to look for this formula, which has 2 " times the inflammation inhibition of normal fish oil and double that of highly refined and concentrated forms of it, according to studies done by "Trinity Bioactives", part of Wellington School of Medicine in New Zealand.

Reducing inflammation is a big reason many choose to buy Omega 3. In the article "The secret killer" in Time Magazine (May 2004). They offer solutions like aspirin, Statins, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors or you could just buy some Omega 3 fish oil which is is gentle on your stomach, but much stronger than aspirin.

Now you can buy Omega 3/DHA in higher concentrations of anti-inflammatory then you can get by eating fish. Newer supplements on the market have some of the most highly effective fish oil concentrates, higher than normal fish oil that many people buy.

Omega 3 Fatty acids and in particular DHA have been linked to improved brain function.

One study discovered a 60% lower risk of Alzheimers's simply by taking Omega 3 fatty acids or fish oils on a regular basis.

Guidelines from the American Heart Association recommend omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil because of proven benefits to the heart, be taken every day.

In conclusion, when you buy Omega 3/DHA, and start taking it you will realize many health benefits, based on proven clinical studies. Look for Omega 3 in a concentrated supplement for from natural triglycerides, with high amounts of DHA for the best results.

For more information about he amazing benefits of Omega 3/DHA fish oil, please visit my Web Site

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Jul 27, 2009

Muscle Building, Kill Your Gains In Sixty Seconds

By Ricardo d Argence

The margin of time that determines muscle building success or failure in the gym is a heck of a lot shorter than you might think. Just as fraction-of-a-second moments during a 100 metre dash will make or break a sprinter's race, fraction-of-a-second moments will also make or break your body's muscle growth response in the gym.

There's more...although each entire workout will last for about an hour, only about 60 seconds will determine what kind of gains you achieve. That's right, how you choose to handle that 60 second time period could means great, mediocre or poor muscle building effects.

Although each entire workout will last for about an hour, only 60 seconds of that actual time will determine what kind of gains you achieve. How does it works? Well, the first reps in your set means just a little bit than nothing in terms of muscular growth. However, they play an important role.

Reps 1-4 are only performed in order to get to reps 5 and 6. But there's more than meets the eye in that. The last reps you perform in a set actually are the ones that will determine if the results of your workout are or not the results you desire.

The important thing is to overload your muscles in the last reps. Muscles respond to stress, and there is no more stressful moment for your muscles than the moment at the end of your set.

The best way to trigger your body's adaptive responses is training until your muscles cannot move the weight another inch. Drop the weight some seconds before the guy next to you and you will see the difference between his and your muscles after some weeks.

The closer and closer that you can come to muscular failure, the more dramatically your body will respond. This time frame is literally measured in single seconds. If you drop the weights 5-6 seconds earlier than the next guy (the margin is probably even smaller than this), you'll be significantly sacrificing your muscle growth.

Well, if we assume that you perform 10 total all out sets per workout and have a margin of 6 seconds between success/failure per set, this gives you 60 seconds of total time per workout to either battle through with full effort or to surrender and settle for mediocre results.

The closer and closer that you can come to muscular failure, the more dramatically your body will respond. Two seconds, five seconds, maybe another one rep, or two, would actually mean a great difference.

You have to train really hard and with full effort every single day. When your muscles aches and you can feel they're burning, if you feel the weight really heavy, that's the right moment to give your maximum effort until true muscular failure is reached.

You must train hard and with full effort at all times. When the weight feels heavy and your muscles ache and burn with discomfort, you must push through and continue until true muscular failure is reached.

If you stop short, even a second short, your gains will be compromised. Keep this in mind at all times in the gym and you'll experience better results than ever before.

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Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

By Brian V Shortt

Symptoms of elevated blood sugar are very worthy to know for anyone who is a risk for diabetes or diseases connected to blood glucose levels that are out of range. Read this article to learn five notable signs of high blood glucose levels. While all of these symptoms collectively are not telltale signs of diabetes, they can alert you to a potential problem.

Signs of high blood sugar

1) Fatigue Fatigue occurs once your the glucose in your body is not properly being converted to energy. The outcome is that the loss of energy in your body makes you tired.

2) Increased urination When there is surplus blood glucose in the bloodstream, and the body cannot convert the blood sugar to energy, it is processed through the urinary tract. Increased urination can be a symptom of high blood sugar and is generally a result of the person consuming more fluids due to increased thirst.

3) Vaginal Yeast Infections (in women) Increased glucose levels additionally affects the urinary tract. Not merely is yeast infection a sign of high concentration of blood glucose, someone with high glucose levels in their body is also at danger for urinary tract infections, kidney infections, as well as kidney stones.

4) Increased Thirst This is due to the brain's response to the surplus sugar. It reacts by making the body thirsty so that the bloodstream can be watered down, resulting in an attempt to lower the blood sugar concentration.

5) Blurred Vision Blurred vision as a result of increased glucose levels can lead to more serious diseases of the eye such as diabetic retinopathy which results from damage to the retinal blood vessels from prolonged periods of elevated blood sugar.

Observe that these symptoms of high blood glucose may or may not occur in any combination. The root cause of these signs is that the surplus glucose in the bloodstream has thickened, resulting in various organs responding to the excess sugar.

Untreated elevated glucose levels (or hyperglycemia can result) can result in the hardening of the arteries due to the excess levels of glucose in the blood which causes destruction to vessels. The longer the signs of high blood sugar go unchecked, the more likely damage that is done to one's organs (and body). The good news also is that if you are able to get your blood glucose levels under control, you may be able to reverse any adverse affects that prolonged periods of high blood sugar have had on your body.

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By John J. Jones

Resveratrol is accepted as the best anti-oxidant in our century. Resveratrol can be seen at some plants as red grapes, bush raspberry and blueberry. Resveratrol is recognized as phytolexin which was produced by the plant.

This is proven in clinical use that if resveratrol tablet is used, then extract become powerful. That is the reason for synthesis of ascorbic acid and vitamin E. Basic elements such as phosphorus and calcium have a role to do so.

Healthy body demands 200 milligram of resveratrol, on a daily basis. Resveratrol Ultra supplement tablets have 100 milligram of resveratrol in each of the tablets. Resveratrol Ultra has many health benefits.

Resveratrol improves health. Human growth hormone is regulated by Resveratrol. It reduces maturity.

Resveratrol checks aging of the Skin cells because resveratrol contains many antioxidants. Resveratrol can battle Diabetes. It allows for a rise of vigor and helps the large calorie Management and helps in decreasing the wrinkles and old age marks.

This anti-oxidant properties of the mouse was distinguished in the experiment. Two groups had high-fat meals and one group was encountered high-dose resveratrol. As a consequence, the group that took resveratrol lived much longer and their energy is too high.

It is common that all French people drink a glass of red wine with each meal. It is discovered that the French people are much less likely to have the heart disease regardless of a fat diet. It is the same little dose of resveratrol in the mouse experiment if you have a glass of red wine with your meals.

Resveratrol helps the heart and ripening of the skin. Resveratrol slows down the action of aging and protects against numerous diseases. You might purchase Resveratrol free trial if you merely pay off for delivery.

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Jul 26, 2009

Stay Healthy, A Guide To Keeping Your Health

By Tina Peters

Our general health as a race and as a species should by far be our most important issue and something that we are always striving to fix. However it seems at times that we get distracted from the actual concerns and focus on only temporary solutions. Instead we find ourselves involved in things which we honestly cannot say that we are overly proud of. We are researching ways to protect ourselves but not from anything in which we can say we aren't a part of. When in fact we should always be focusing on furthering our technology, battling disease and increasing our general duration of life.

The best way to remain as healthy as you can is to watch what you eat and drink and to also make sure that you try to get as much physical exercise for your body that you can. Following these two things will help to increase your life expectancy to its fullest and to hopefully avoid any future problems that can and sometimes are self inflicted.

That is really true for everything you do in life. Besides eating healthy it is also important to get physical exercise for your body to stay in good shape. Regular exercise helps promote good health and keeps your organs and muscles working and running correctly.

The other thing to remember when talking about health is to also talk about mental health. Mental health is also as important of an issue as physical health. The two go hand in hand really. If you are ever feeling like you may be having an issue with mental health that it is highly advised to consult a mental health counselor to help work out any issues you are having.

In my opinion it is rather common knowledge on what to do to stay healthy. As long as you aren't doing unnecessary harmful things to yourself and eating healthy along with exercise you should stay in relatively good health.

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Captain Joey Patti's

By Ray Pope

Looking for a good seafood restaurant with a decent reputation is just not for religious occasions like Lent season and Good Friday. Seafood ticks off a lot of boxes: It's healthy, romantic, and above everything else, its a thin line between glamorous and laid back. Fine seafood restaurants are worth their weight in gold.

It would be great if people can eat fresh seafood any day they want without having to worry about the price. Some seafood restaurants prices are terrible and doesnt even give the right standard and service. Good thing, the perfect place has opened for all us. Conveniently located in Pensacola Florida, Captain Joey Pattis Restaurant is the perfect place for fresh seafood and ingredients, outstanding service and great crowd. You will also like the super low prices for a decent seafood meal. The owner once joked, the prices are so low, its getting me out of business.

For good seafood, simple and fresh is a winner. It is important that the dishes allow the seafoods delicate flavors shine through. Captain Joey Pattis Restaurant offers great seafood dishes, from fancy to plain. This place do a little of both, but none of them require an elegant dress.

If you have never been to Captain Joey Pattis Seafood Restaurant, and you love seafood, youve been unkind to yourself. You know its good, because every time you walk in, it is always packed. It was difficult for the Captain to name the most popular menu choice, mentioning the oyster and mullet sandwiches, the seafood dinners, and the crab burgers.

Theres also their established New England fish chowder, the kind served in Maine. On Thursdays, the deli is extra packed for shrimp creole day, featuring wild-caught spicy shrimp. They dont serve farm-raised seafood of any kind. A lot of people who dines at Captain Joey are impressed. The place is filled with friendly people and the prices are just lovable!

Other seafood choices include friend Apalachicola oysters, crab claws, scallops, popcorn shrimp, mullet and grouper baskets. Chicken fingers and hamburgers are also available for those who are not into seafood mood.

The side dishes are not to be ignored, the cheese grits, homemade cole slaw, hushpuppies and steak fries are all delicious. Its not easy, but you must try to leave room for dessert. The mouth watering rich, dark chocolate, light and moist mandarin/pineapple, and carrot cake are delicious. At Captain Joey Pattis Restaurant, you can always be assured that the seafood is fresh and tasty, and the prices are super, and service is fast.

Visit them now at 596 East 9 Mile Road Pensacola, FL 32514. Or call them at iQpon850-607-7766. They are open Monday - Thursday 11 to 8, Friday and Saturday 11 to 9, and Sunday 11 to 3.

To obtain free, online, printable discount coupons for Captain Joey Pattis Restaurant (or iQpons), check out www.eHubPensacola.com. Also get a chance to grab one of the cheap (half off!) Thrift Certificates (or Gift Certificates) that are currently on sale!

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Body Building Diet Plans, the Importance of Pre-Workout Nutrition

By Ricardo d Argence

The same holds true for each and every one of your workouts if the saying says, "if you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail". Every gym session must be faced with mental and physical preparedness because it is a battle.

When you are planning to work out you need to ensure that the meal you eat before going to the gym gives you the nutrients to battle the weights effectively.

The meal you eat before working out must accomplish three things: 1. Making you as strong as possible. 2. During the workout you should provide your mind and muscles with a constant stream of balanced energy. 3. You will be minimizing the muscle breakdown process in addition to providing the necessary tools to help your body recover post-workout.

Before beginning exercise it is important to ensure you are properly hydrated. Water is key in maintaining strength as well as keeping energy levels peaked, so it is important to be sure that you have consumed the needed amounts of water a few hours before you board a train.

Around 30-45 minutes prior to entering the gym you should consume your pre-workout meal. The first component of this meal is, you guessed it, protein. Protein will keep your body in an anabolic state throughout your workout and will help to prevent muscle breakdown as you train.

Whey protein makes for a great pre-workout choice because it helps to prevent muscle catabolism during your workout. Mixing your whey with milk is a good idea because this will slow down the release of the protein and provide your body with a steady stream of amino acids throughout your workout.

You should have one to two servings of low-glycemic carbohydrates with your protein shake. Before working out, consume low glycemic carbohydrates. As you exercise, your body will break these down and absorb them into your bloodstream, helping maintain a constant level of energy.

Your body responds to consumption of high glycemic carbohydrates, which are quickly released into your bloodstream, your body responds by releasing a surge of insulin to help your system even out your body's blood sugar. Rapid fluctuation in insulin levels is the last thing you want in the middle of high intensity workout so choose carbohydrates that will not cause this.

Oatmeal, apples or brown rice are good pre-workout carbohydrate choices. These foods will fuel your body with a steady stream fo sugars throughout the workout, keeping your energy levels continually peaked. For easy digestion and to prevent you from feeling sick when you train, eat only a small pre-workout meal. It is best to exercise after eating.

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Jul 25, 2009

Hemroid Natural Cure

By Morin Kalvan

People all over the world suffer from hemorrhoids and they just want the pain to end. Getting that pain to end without having to see a doctor is a big plus too. Not only will they avoid spending that money to go to a doctor, but they can use natural treatments at home to help out.

Herbs have often been known to help with many types of problems people have. It's no different when you think about herbs and treating hemorrhoids. Most creams that you buy for hemorrhoids are ones that will only help with the pain. However, if you find an item that has witch hazel in it, this can help moving along with the curing of that hemorrhoid and back to pain free living.

Try either a tea or a pill of Horse chestnut or Butcher's broom. Both herbs have shown promise when it comes to helping with swelling caused by hemorrhoids. Get them and stock up at home so that when you start to experience pain while having a bowel movement you can start the process early. If you don't like the taste of the tea, the pills may smell a bit, but they shouldn't have a taste.

To help keep the hurting area clean and fresh, you should sit in a bath tub full of warm water. It will feel rather soothing, and will take away the pain if only for a bit. Something that is important to those who suffer from this problem.

Fiber is a very important part of your daily diet, and not enough people have this in their daily food. So add some fiber, and keep it up even when you don't have hemorrhoids. Perhaps a way in which you can have this problem cured in the future with fewer outbreaks of hemorrhoids.

Moving around more when you have hemorrhoids is a way in which your body will feel better. After all in many cases it's going to hurt you a lot to sit down. Exercise will help to loosen up the bowels a bit more and hopefully help in the process of getting rid of those hemorrhoids sooner.

Though you can find many different home remedies that will help out with hemorrhoids, you should always know when is the time to say enough. If you continually seem to have hemorrhoids and can't get rid of them, don't hesitate to see the doctor. Don't let the problem get too bad before you just see what your medical physician can do. Try these home remedies first though, and hopefully they will help you out enough.

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Why You Never Skip Salad With Dinner

By Chris Lee

Nearly everyone knows that eating salad is a healthy way to eat. Having a salad with dinner helps you to guarantee that you get servings of vegetables every day. Most restaurants offer salads with their dinner menus. You should also consider adding salad to your dinner meal at home.

Eating a salad every day can be a very good healthy habit to adopt. Whether you are looking to lose weight or simply stay healthy, never underestimate the power of a salad. Eating salad works. Eating a salad as a side dish is a much healthier choice than having pasta or many other sides. Salads are crunchy, which not only helps to fill you up, but they are just fun to eat.

Eating salads is such a fun and delicious act that even your kids will love it. You can put anything that you want in your salad. You should be careful not to add things that contain a lot of fat and/or calories. Opt for lower fat versions of bacon bits and croutons. It is important to keep your dinner salad simple so that you do not add extra fat and calories.

You can add a variety of vegetables and even fruits if you like. Always use the freshest vegetables that you can find, such as your lettuce and tomatoes. Romaine lettuce is believed to contain more nutrients per serving than Iceberg lettuce. If you like the taste of Romaine, then you are enjoying a much healthier salad. You should also add carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, celery, onions and anything else that you enjoy. Remember to add a few mushrooms for flavor and extra health benefits.

No matter what you are having for dinner, you can add a side salad. Add as many or as few vegetables as you like to compliment your dinner. Fruits such as grapes and cranberries are excellent in salads and compliment a variety of dinner dishes. Imagine, eating just one salad each night with dinner will give you at least two servings of vegetables each day. And it takes little time and effort to prepare a side salad. To save time, consider purchasing packages of salad mixes. You just grab a bowl and fill it up. You can prepare your dinner salad in just a few minutes and have a side dish that the whole family will love.

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Eating Chicken Can Be Great For Your Health

By Chris Lee

It is a widely known fact that eating chicken is a much healthier act than eating beef. Not considering the fat difference, the protein in chicken is much leaner as well. Doctors recommend that people with heart disease substitute chicken as their protein form at least three days per week. Studies have shown that eating chicken in place of beef can reduce the risk of contracting macular degeneration in older consumers. People who are fifty or older have a much higher risk of contracting macular degeneration or AMD.

It has also been proven in studies that eating chicken helps to protect you against other age-related diseases and conditions. You should also include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet in order to reap the complete benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Chicken is one of the most popularly chosen meats in the world due to its taste.

There are thousands of ways to prepare chicken that are healthy and delicious. There are many ways that you can prepare your chicken that are healthy, but still give you the taste that you love. Typically speaking, if you were to drop your intake of red meats such as beef and more fatty meats like pork, and replace these with chicken and fish six days out of seven, you would soon see the benefits for yourself. Not only will you lose fat, but you will notice a significant increase in energy, a lower cholesterol level and many other health benefits.

Substituting chicken for fattier proteins is one way that you can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Substituting chicken for beef however, can be a big change that can produce many health benefits, not just those related to aging. Choose some recipes that will allow you to prepare your chicken in a healthier way and you will soon see your risks for certain diseases dropping. Frankly speaking, beef and pork contain fatty proteins, chicken does not.

Chicken has a much healthier overall protein, includes much less fat per serving than other meats and is simply one of the healthiest meats available for consumers. Do not be afraid that you will grow to hate chicken if you eat too much, there are many ways that you can prepare it that are all different. You can find thousands of recipes online that will allow you to prepare your chicken in many different ways, giving you a new meal every day. There is simply not another meat that offers the health benefits and versatility of chicken.

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Jul 24, 2009

Victims Are Looking For Hydroxycut Lawsuits

By Tracy Cervantes

Burn fat! Enhance your energy level! Lose weight!

You've heard it all, because these are the claims made by many diet products that are advertised on TV, the Net, in tube autos, and in mags and in magazines and newspapers. No matter where you turn these days, marketers are attempting to sell you diet tablets. One of the most popular of these pills is Hydroxycut which has been selling about 9,000,000 doses a year. Hydroxycut works better than most other diet aids which accounts for its recognition. However, on May one, 2009, the FDA issued a recall for the product advising patrons to stop using it immediately after definitive links were discovered between the product and serious liver failure. In reality, a handful of people are looking for legal Hydroxycut settlements based on the issues they incurred from using the diet pills.

Diet additions and pills aren't regulated by the FDA in the same way that medicines are. They receive their information from shopper reports of problems. In many cases, problems are never reported at all. , it could take a few years before the FDA can put together a case for recalling a diet product. During the years between, additional cases can happen. It's unfortunate, but it is the way it works. Although 23 cases of liver failure and one death have now been linked to Hydroxycut, it's likely that there could have been lots more problems than were reported. Don't let the fact that there were so few cases out of the millions of pills sold lull you into a fake complacency.

The Symptoms of Hydroxycut

There are a lot of symptoms that have now been linked to the application Hydroxycut. These include seizures, muscle damage that can end up in kidney failure, heart disorders, and liver damage. Signs of liver damage range from fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, revulsion and barfing, pain in the stomach or abdomen, and itching to jaundice. People who have taken Hydroxycut in the past and are suffering with any of the issues that have been associated with its use need to see a doctor straight away. If your GP can link your wellbeing issues to your use of Hydroxycut, then you will stand an excellent chance of winning a Hydroxycut settlement to help with your expenses.

Since the link between liver damage and Hydroxycut has been just in the near past been settled, court actions that have been filed against Iovate Medical Science haven't yet been settled. However, there is a potential for some major Hydroxycut settlements, and many attorneys who specialize in product litigation have been studying the situation and preparing themselves to represent victims as entirely as practical to get them top Hydroxycut settlements.

If you have taken Hydroxycut to shed pounds or build muscles and are suffering from the complications that might indicate damage of your liver or other organs, see your physician for a definite diagnosis. Then head for the phone and call a pharmaceutical product lawyer who will be able to get you the Hydroxycut settlement you deserve.

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Can an Active Regimen of Running Help Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Do you want a means to overcome the easy bruising that has been giving you fits? As people get older, bruising easily may become an every day situation to have to deal with. Initially, you are likely to be concerned that you might have contracted a disorder that causes you to to be likely to bruise more often, or perhaps that you might be afflicted by a serious disorder where bruising is the primary condition. Then, after a visit to your physician's office, you learn that your easy bruising is simply a function of your body's getting older.

The truth of the matter is that bruising, when it is not a symptom of another condition, is something that can be treated and even prevented with the right kind of knowledge and attention. Our blood vessels do get weaker and more fragile as we age and because of that, even light taps and bumps can make black and blue splotches on your arms and legs. Take a moment to consider how starting up a running regimen can help.

One of the first things that you will discover when you start a regular running routine is that it greatly enhances your hearts pumping ability. You will particularly notice this if your exercise program over the last several years has been less than a complete and consistent effort.

Your new running regime will cause your cardiovascular system to work at a higher level and this will enhance your body's aerobic capability. This aerobic activity causes your blood vessels to get stronger, and you will soon learn that you are not going have to be concerned about slight bumps causing damage nearly as often. You may think that you are only affecting your legs' condition as you run, but you can rest assured that you are achieving excellent results through all areas of your body.

Also consider the fact that you are going to be sweating while you are running. In most areas, we consider getting sweaty to be undesirable, but here, you are going to be ridding your body of certain stored, unhealthful toxins. This can be extremely important when you do get bruises due to the fact that your immune system will have more resources to spare. Take some time to think about how much better your body will be functioning at this point.

Take a moment to think about how you want to put together your running regimen. How often do you want to do it? One thing that you need to think about is going to be how you are going to find the regimen that suits you. Take a moment to think about what your options are going to be to put this together; and talk to a personal trainer or a physical therapist or a doctor who will help you.

Also keep in mind that you should allow sufficient time for your body to get acclimated to this new running regimen. You will certainly enjoy seeing improvement, but you should also realize that you should increase your activity level slowly.

Running is a good way to get your body in better shape and to avoid bruising, so take some time and think about how to incorporate it into your system. A combination of a good running regime along with a naturally formulated supplement product like Bruises Be Banned can be essential to helping you to reduce bruising or to prevent bruising altogether.

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Colon Cleansing FAQ

By Daniel Fuller

There are many inquiries that most people have regarding colon cleansing.

Mentioned below are a few of the answers to simple colon cleansing questions that are usually asked.

Colon cleansing is a method that is performed on the colon that is aimed at allowing the colon works as it should.

In the event you don't know, the colon is one of the primary parts of the digestive system that is responsible for excreting digested food and elimination.

As the name suggests, it involves 'detoxing' the colon from the lethal chemicals that have been deposited in it.

That is the easiest explanation of colon cleansing.

In this world that we are in, there are elevated measurements of deadly substances, in the environment and also in the things that we eat.

The levels of the noxious substances depend on the diets, fitness, physical environment and age of people.

It is claimed that the older we become, the more noxious substances build up in our system.

One of the major considerations in the health of the colon is the food we ingest.

Now, on every other corner, we see a Burger King, or even a convenience store selling unhealthy foods.

The more of these types of processed foods we eat, the more toxins settles in our colon.

In addition, the area that we live in is filled with many dangerous substances that get trapped in our bodies.

The majority of them eventually find their way in the colon and can't be excreted on their own.

The more they collect, the more you have symptoms of many infirmities.

In short, if you identify with even one of the above problems that have been stated, then you are a good candidate for a colon cleanse.

This is also for those people who are always complaining of constipation problems, skin blemishes, intestinal gas, and low energy, and also for people who are obese.

Anyone with even one of these symptoms needs a colon cleanse.

Colon cleansing dislodges all the assembled chemicals in the colon including toxins, yeast, fecal matter, hormones etc.

If these toxins are left to collect in the colon, then some of them will find themselves in the blood and will bring a variety of dangerous diseases.

Poisoning your colon with these chemicals can make your immune system weak and at some point you will develop a disease.

There are different techniques in which the colon can be detoxified.

You can get formulations where the ingredients have detoxifying elements that can expel toxins in the colon.

There are also diy detoxification procedures that can be used to clean your colon.

Also, there are many awesome colon cleansing supplements that can help you detox your colon, reduce your weight, and feel better.

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Jul 23, 2009

Get Noticed with Custom Coffee Mugs

By Jason Findleson

There are many different ways to promote your business but few are as simple and effective as the custom coffee mug. Many promotional materials like pens, pencils, or letter openers, are just too small to really be effective. However, the custom coffee mug provides ample room to display your company logo and relevant information. Not only that, but the custom coffee mug is more likely to display your message weeks or even years after you give it away.

The Price is Right

Many people stay away from using mugs as promotional items because they believe they cost too much. Fortunately this is far from true. Ceramic mugs can cost as little as 70 apiece.

Depending on your preference you can use a variety of different mugs. Some will cost a little more but the additional cost will likely be worth it. Insulated travel mugs could cost a few dollars apiece but you get the added bonus of your message traveling farther and reaching more eyes.

Lots of Variety

The list of different styles available for the custom coffee mug is large. Do you want a mug made of ceramic or plastic? How about glass? There are many materials to choose from. You can also go with simple mugs or insulated mugs. Think of the sort of mug you would like to have and use it for your logo.

Mugs Are Useful

The great thing about using a custom coffee mug for you business marketing is that the custom coffee mug is something that people like to use. It is a practical thing to have around and your customers will appreciate receiving it. Any business owner knows the value of having their message displayed in a place where their customers will see it. How about a message sitting on their desk right in front of them?

Many promotional materials get read only once and then pitched into the garbage. The custom coffee mug on the other hand could end up on your client's desk for many months. Your mug could end up in the kitchen cabinet where it is used by a host of different people over the years.

Even if you have a small marketing budget, the custom coffee mug is worth a look. For a very small investment you could end up with advertising that last for years. If you want promotional material that won't get thrown away and will be seen again and again, then consider investing custom made coffee mugs.

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How Fruit Can Benefit Your Health

By Lee Taylor

One of the most important providers of vitamins and minerals in our diet is fruit. Unfortunately, in the western diet this is often overlooked and we continue to consume vast quantities of protein and, especially, starchy foods. The result being an increase in the prevalence of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. It is important to look at the benefits of fruit more closely.

The following benefits are:

1. It is extremely easy to prepare. It usually just requires washing, maybe peeling and eating. There is no cooking involved and, therefore, can save on other chores like washing pots and pans.

2. Fruit tastes very good. Many fruits taste very good and look particularly appetizing with their bright colors. In fact a lot of people would consider fruit as a special treat or as a desert.

3. Fruits are easily digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and, therefore, requires overall less energy. Most people, as a result of this, feel more energized and need less sleep.

4. It is very hard to become fat from following a diet consisting mainly of fruit. The result of this is that the body's fat level will often fall leaving a sensation of being lean and healthy.

5. Fruit consists of a lot of fiber. As a result it can assist with the movement of food through the gut and therefore many people will find that they don't suffer with problems like constipation whilst eating a diet of mainly fruit. With constipation some of this toxic waste remains sitting within the bowel some of which can get absorbed into the system. These toxins may lead to illness, disease and the sensation of feeling unwell. Eating a diet consisting mainly of fruit does away with this.

6. The are very little waste products left behind in the bowel after digesting fruit. This can reduce the rate of aging as the reduction in absorption of waste products reduces the wear and tear on the various organs in the body.

7. Eating a predominantly fruit diet will allow your body to detoxify and cleanse itself on a regular basis. Waste toxic matter from the digestion of proteins, dairy products and starches can collect in the body over many years. Even consuming fruit for only a few days can help detoxify the body and get rid of these bad waste products. This can assist in the lowering of damage to the body and enhance the sensation of energy and well-being.

If you are suffering from poor health or are looking to get fit and feel healthy then increasing the amount of fruit in your diet is a good step to get closer to your goal.

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A Worldwide Assortment of Coffees

By Marc Warren

There is a wide assortment of coffee and coffee beans around the world. The pleasure is in trying to sample all of them.

Tolima, Columbia is home of the La Esperanza, one of the finest and most well known coffees in the world. Its rich aroma and deep flavor are compliments of it being grown at such high altitudes. The perfect blend of flavors unpredictable for their compatibility makes it a top choice.

The Supremo is also a well known Colombian gem. Piping hot it is rich with flavor of vanilla and chocolate. This sweet delight is undeniable.

Hopping over to Hawaii, the hand-picked Kona comes in both medium and dark roast. The latter has a very light acid with the medium making for slightly more. But the espresso roast remains a favorite, where the minimally acidic, dark and strong character really shines.

For those who like the sharp taste in their coffee, the Tanzanian Peaberry found on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa may be the choice for you. This is a very unique bean, not only because of its taste but also its appearance. It is a single oval more acidic than some beans which lends to its sharp flavor. Those who come to climb the famous M. Kilimanjaro can enjoy not only her sights but also her produce.

Another stop in Africa where you will find the finest blends of coffee- the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. This coffee is often made with a bit of citrus and ginger, the perfect combination for a sweet and tangy treat.

The Jumboors and the Monsoon Malabar are two types of beans found in India. The latter delivers you the sweet flavor of apricot while the former has a raisin flavor as its sweetener. The environment of these beans gives them their uniqueness that must be sampled to be appreciated.

Where can you find a warm soothing coffee that offers the soothing flavor of jasmine with the sweet flavor of cherry? Try the Lake Toba region of Sumatra, Indonesia. The beans grown in this region produce a light brew sharp with flavor.

Before leaving Indonesia satisfy your spicy craving. Head north to the territory where they add a touch of cedar and a bit of citrus to their coffee to make it something divine.

Robusta from Lampung, Vietnam adds to the variety. The method used to prepare these beans gives each cup a strong bite and rivals the sharp flavor of the Arabica blends.

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Jul 22, 2009

Mighty Memory - How To Improve Memory

By Chris Jensen

Do you want to know how to make more money and save time? Do you want to know how to get better grades and learn faster? Do you want to know how to get a faster job promotion and enhance your career? First learn the secret on how to improve memory, and be able to do all these things.

Memory is the ability to remember something that has been learned or experienced. It also refers to the brain's ability to store information. Certain structures of the limbic system appear to play major roles in storing and retrieving memories. These structures include the amygdaloid complex and the hippocampus, both in the temporal lobe. Evidence suggests that memories may be formed through the establishment of new brain circuits or the alteration of existing circuits. Storing new memories involves structural changes and chemical changes in the nerve cells of the brain or in the substances that carry messages across the tiny gaps between the nerve cells.

Memory experts say that the chief reasons for forgetting include interference, retrieval failure, motivated forgetting, and constructive processes. They believe that with practice, people can increase their ability to remember.

One of the most important means of improving memory is the use of mental aids called mnemonic devices. Another good way to help remember a piece of information is to repeat it a number of times. You can do this out loud or quietly to yourself. The more frequently you do this, the more lasting the memory will be. Elaborating the piece of information by relating it to something else may also help, as well as making the surroundings in which you remember material similar to those in which you learned the material.

It has been proven that having a strong, dependable memory is directly correlated to one's quality of life. Discover the ways on how to improve memory and become a memory master.

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You Owe It To Oneself To File for Hydroxycut Consideration

By Tracy Cervantes

Consumers have just learned of the health hazards that may be concerned with taking the diet drug Hydroxycut. As always, when it has been proved a product is damaging to public health, victims start on the lookout for strategies to get the company that is responsible for their health problems to make restitution. Folk who took Hydroxycut to lose pounds or build muscles are now suffering from liver disorders. One young man even died as a result of using this diet supplement. It's yet to be shown what type of Hydroxycut damages are going to be awarded in response to legal actions which are being filed, but if you are one of those people who can link health worries to the drug, you may well be entitled to some form of compensation.

Hydroxycut has been associated with liver disorders and seems to cause heart valve issues too. The data has not been definitively documented, but it was strong enough to cause the FDA to request the manufacturer recall 14 different Hydroxycut products and to recommend consumers to discontinue use straight away. Recalls are not something the FDA takes lightly; therefore, you know that there had to have been good, solid evidence behind the decision.

There are plenty of different symptoms that may point to liver disorders. If you have taken Hydroxycut and notice any of the following indicators, you must see your doctor immediately:

Nausea and stomach upset Blurred vision Higher blood pressure Nose bleeds Insomnia Headaches Restlessness Acne outbreaks Dizziness Loss of appetite A yellow tinge to the skin

While this is not a complete list of the indicators of liver problems, it should give you an idea of what you want to be worried about. You should have your physician diagnose the symptoms you are having and make a determination about what the likely reason for them is. If your GP feels there's decisive proof tying your liver problems to Hydroxycut, it's going to be time for you to hire a barrister that focuses on product litigation to chase Hydroxycut damages in your behalf.

You could have heard about all the silly suits that folks are filing today and feel reluctant to file one of your own. However, there's nothing frivolous about going after a company that produces and markets potentially-hazardous diet additions to a trusting public. Most of the are not aware that the FDA does not regulate diet products the way it does medications. They suspect that products that are available over the counter in grocery and drug stores are safe to use. Though makers should ensure that their products are 100% safe prior to putting them on the market, this is not necessarily the case. Lawsuits, for example for Hydroxycut damages, are one way of bringing the irresponsibility of these companies to the public's attention.

If you are suffering due to taking this product to help you lose weight or build muscles, you have a right to Hydroxycut damages. Unless you are independently wealthy, you're going to require some assistance working with the costs of an illness that should have never been allowed to happen in the first place.

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Best Muscle Building Supplements, Facts You Should Know About Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is not actually a drug, it is a natural substance that our bodies produce. It's a combination of three amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine. We can get creatine from our diets, mostly from animal products like meat or fish. Whatever creatine is stored is usually stored in our muscles.

Using creatine, your body will be able to handle high intensity workouts with relative ease. You will be able to perform a great workout, and your muscles will not be quite as sore when you are done. They will recover and regenerate quickly, and it will lower the volume of lactic acids which end up being accumulated throughout exercise.

Even though you can get creatine from your diet, taking supplements of creatine will give you larger amounts of it; taken within reason, this can help you exercise longer with less fatigue and soreness, and with faster recovery times so that you'll recuperate for less time between workout sessions. This is especially helpful for bodybuilders or other athletes who wish to build muscle mass quickly by working out longer and harder.

So let's explore how all this actually works. In essence, there is this composition called adenosine triphosphate, which is also known as ATP. ATP is kept within your muscles until you need it, generally during a workout, at which time it's instantly released. This is where the term explosive workout comes from.

Creatine works because once it's ingested, it becomes creatine phosphate. That creatine phosphate replenishes the ATP in the muscles by replacing the phosphate molecule that was used up by the muscles during the intensive phase of your workout. When that intensive physical activity happens, the ATP becomes ADP, adenosine diphosphate.

Through this, creatine can help you out quite a bit. It replenishes the phosphate molecule that you have managed to lose, and that way the ATP reserves in your body are ready to be used as needed. Creatine will allow you to work out longer than usual and give you much better results in your workout routine.

There are of course downsides to taking creatine and one of them is that it will make you retain water within your muscles. What does this means? It means that you need to drink more water if you want to have a prayer of compensating for that water being kept within your muscles rather than the other organs in your body.

Creatine will give you the ability to exercise to your full potential and will help you to develop your muscles at an increased rate. You won't be as sore after your workouts, and this means that you can get back to is sooner than normal.

There are some issues with using creatine though. You will gain extra weight because of the water in your muscles; this is known as water weight. It won't hurt anything of course, but you do need to be ready to see some higher numbers when you weigh yourself. You may also become dehydrated an d see some other ailments becoming present. Also remember that you should not take creatine if you have kidney problems.

And, how important is a good diet? Simply put, no matter the supplements you take, your body's not going to function right and your workouts aren't going to be as effective or as efficient if you don't eat right.

Regardless of how much creatine that you take, it won't make any difference at all if your diet is just junk food. Make sure that your diet is made up of complex caps, lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables. This will help you to maximize your workout and make sure that you are getting everything that you need.

Your muscles have to have something to build themselves on. So, make your diet healthy by including plenty of lean proteins like lean meats and fish, complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables.

Using these guidelines, creatine will help raise the efficiency of your workouts, and your muscle mass will increase so long as you do it right.

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Jul 21, 2009

Common Methods to Prevent Lower Back Strains

By James G Knolon

Back problems are one of the top medical problems in the United States. Many of these are occupational related but also many come from sports in the home. Is estimated that over $45 billion a year is spent on back related problems. Nearly everyone has low back pain at some point. It seems to most often occur to those between 30 and 50. This is most often associated with the aging process. However, many types of back pain are also preventable as well.

What is the structure that makes up the lower back? Structure is often referred to as the lumbar. The lumbar are the five lumbar vertebrae which we know commonly as the lower back. These loans are stacked in a column in separated by soft tissues.

There are five discs that compose the lumbar and form part of the spinal column which is supporting your body's weight. The spinal column supports the weight of the body and also protects the spinal cord. The lumbar consist of five discs which are stacked on top of each other. They are separated by bands of soft tissue which allow the column to be flexible.

There are certain chronic conditions which cause degeneration to the soft tissues or the bone of the cervical discs. Conditions such as degenerative disc disease or degenerative arthritis are chronic and may require surgery to rectify.

There are many acute conditions of lower back pain that can be prevented. Generally, situations having to do with your sitting position, posture and the lifting of objects need to be performed properly to avoid problems in the lower back.

Many of us work at a desk and have a computer. We may have to sit for long hours at a time. Having the proper sitting position is important to avoid problems in the lumbar. It is important to have an ergonomic chair which supports the spine and the arms. It should be adjustable so it will comfortably fit your body.

Many of us just have poor sitting habits. We may not properly support our backs by leaning too far forward or leaning too far back. We also do not want to sit for long periods of time. It is in order to get up and walk around after sitting for a while.

When you stand, make sure your shoulders are back and you are fully upright. If you slouch, then you put more weight on to the lower portion of the spine. If you maintain a proper posture, this will go a long way to avoiding stresses and strain on your back.

Probably the most problematic area is lifting objects. In addition to supporting your body weight, your spine must also support the object you are lifting. Most people lift with their backs and not their legs. The strongest muscles of your body are your legs; use them when you lift objects. It just makes sense.

When you do lift an object, make sure that you listed with your legs. It is better to bend at the knees and then hold the object. Use your legs to then lift it up. This helps to keep the weight of you and the object evenly distributed across your spine.

Stretching is another important preventative method. There are normal stretches you can do line down and then there are stretches of the muscle tissues itself. Normal stretching and exercise is important to maintain the vitality of the spine. Massage therapy provides another way to stretch the muscles not normally accessed by a normal stretching routine.

By maintaining the proper health of your spine, you can avoid many potential lower back problems. Of course, as we age we will lose some strength and flexibility. Therefore, it is vital to have a routine of back healthy activities. This will help ensure that you maintain the flexibility and strength to avoid potential injuries and enjoy many more activities.

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