Jul 1, 2009

The Complete Cycle Of Miracle Mineral Supplement Within The Body

By Lee Jacobs

Quite a number of years have passed since Jim Humble developed his phenomenal mineral supplement. Hence this product has been in the market for some time now and consumers have reviewed it and checked it out to see if it really delivers on the promises. Hence, after all the reviews and the trials, the miracle MMS supplement actually has great testimonials and press reviews. However, in spite of the amazing popularity of the product, there are some people who have not yet understood or realized the true value of this product. Hence, this article explains the actual way this phenomenal compound works and its complete cycle inside the body.

Here is a step by step description

The MMS action is activated immediately after ingestion. Its mineral compounds enter the bloodstream to be circulated through the body. In a brief span of time, it is said to remove approximately 3 to 5 electrons to the first structure that has a 7 or lower pH value that it comes in contact with. Through the results of numerous studies, it has been shown that MMS's chlorine dioxide has a powerful capacity to target and attempt to correct the acidic elements within the body through oxidation. This is how MMS heals damaged and affected tissues without causing damage to the undamaged tissues.

Here is what happens from the beginning

As the chlorine dioxide compound goes through easily the blood / tissue walls and shifts into the blood stream, the chlorine dioxide compound is primarily taken in via the blood supply that supports the stomach. This compound is inclined to circulate into the bordering tissues as it moves through the digestive system. Moreover, it supports rapid delivery to secondary tissues as it doesn't further pursue conventional ways of absorption.

To get into the body's circulatory system, chlorine dioxide is initially taken to the blood vessels that support the stomach. There, it passes through a tissue barrier, which transfers the compound into the bloodstream. Its movement from the digestive system tends to be diffused into the surrounding tissues, which aids its transfer to the peripheral tissues since it usually do not follow the usual absorption properties of body substances.

Successively, it deteriorates fast and starts to discard the electrons if this strong compound is unsuccessful in locating substance to respond with inside the body. Modern researches suggest that as chlorine dioxide fails, it merges with another matter within the body to develop a strong immune enhancing substance called hypochlorus acid, which is involved in the appropriate mechanism of our immune system.

Needless to say, hypochlorus acid is very significant within the body. The insufficiency of this substance is known as myeloeroxidase eficiency. Individuals diagnosed with this condition have often suffered with various forms of auto immune conditions at the latter stage of their medication. The pre-requisites for hypochlorous shoots up when sickness strikes the body. Fittingly, this would be the time to efficiently take MMS since it will definitely give a substantial kick start.

Hypochlorus acid is instrumental in strengthening the body's immune system. Myeloeroxidase deficiency is the medical term referring to the body's lack of hypochlorous acid. People who are diagnosed of this condition is expectedly crippled with auto-immune conditions due to the failure of safeguarding the body against the onslaught of pathogens and progress of diseases. One way of supplying the body with enough hypochlorous is by taking MMS daily.

All of these take place within the span of a few hours. It absolutely does not leave residue within the body, other than a bit of carbon dioxide and water. Only few can claim to have such an effective anti-pathogenic effect at the same time retaining a compassionate presence.

MMS is quite a potent medication!

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