Aug 9, 2009

Acai Berry - Wellbeing And Happiness Place In A Bottle!

By Earl Cabo

Deep in the Amazon, a word that stand for greatness and might over 1.2 billion acres the equivalent of 2.5 million square miles of rain forest, where there is no time, no technology, and no limit to the mysteries that can be unlocked. An ecosystem defending the earth's greatest biological possessions where more than half of the world's ten million species, animal, and insects live and hide; Here nature is at its most powerful and its most generous.

Rain forests have evolved over millions of decades to turn into the incredibly complex environments tha they are today. A limited source of living and breathing renewable natural resources, that for eons have contributed a wealth of resources for the survival and well being of human kind.

Evergreen as far as the eyes can see, at least three thousand edible fruits are concealed here, of these over two thousand are used by the natives. And only 200 of them are used in the Modern World.

The natural healing features of these treasures are in the Amazon have not gone unnoticed by the modern world. The U.S. National Cancer Institute has published that 70% of the three thousand plants that are known to be active against cancer cells and are found in the rain forest.

The Acai Berry; Strength, energy, and richness just like the great forest it comes from. A deep dense color that gives out no light harvested for centuries from the 25ft Acai palm where they are suspended from branches in clusters. Only recently seen by the Brazilian elite and North Americans, the Acai berry is making headlines.

The Acai berry may be the most effective of all forgotten fruits, those raw whole fruits that are little known or used. But even though the perfect Acai berry could stand alone as a supplement; what if other forgotten fruits were mixed with the power of the Acai to create perhaps the most potent phytonutrient available today, does the perfect fruit blend exist with the potent Acai as its crown jewel?

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star5 August 19, 2013 at 8:56 PM  


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